In October 2006, y0u f0und me in thE friendstEr.
In Novemer 2006, 0ur fiRst c0nverSati0n tHr0ugh Ph0ne.
In December 2006, 0ur First datiNg StaRt froM ChangI VillaGe & ChanGi BeaCh.
UntIl thE daYs we b0th GradUated fr0m ITE, 0ur l0ves w3re therE, s0 Sweet & l0vely.
thE m0ment wE b0th Step int0 the Adult liveS, aLL chaNged.
Y0u n33d y0ur timE, i Gave y0u.
y0u n3ed y0ur frEEd0m, i Gave you.
whaTever y0u reQuest, i fulfiL y0u.
iN N0vember 2007, y0ur biRthday, i celeBrate wIth y0u.
In December 2007 0ur firSt ye4r AnniversaRy, y0u hurT me, I forGave y0u.
In MAy 2008, my birthDay, y0u manaGe to catcH a suppeR witH me, I'm happY & SatiFiced.
In Oct0ber 2008, My daY in H0spitAl f0r my 0peratIon, y0u visIt mE afteR meEting y0ur FrieNds, i'm C0ntenT.
Why Am i Alway be thE 0nLy 0ne thAt suFFer fr0m this RelaTionsh1p?
I haVe d0ne so mUch t0 saVe This RelatIonshiP, buT y0u just pUsh everythINg to me anD leavE me aL0ne wiTh thE ExcuSes " I d0n LovE y0u AnyMore! "
Am I thE onE cAuse y0u t0 l0se y0ur l0ve iN mE, I likE t0 knOw wHat haVe i d0ne...